Our Extraordinary Rare & Award-Winning Competition Series Roasted Kona Coffee
These coffees are our extraordinary rare Kona competition-winning coffees from our Monarch Coffee Farm micro-lots.
They are carefully roasted to highlight the unique story of this coffee and capture the perfect balance of flavor, sweetness, and clarity in every cup.
Carefully grown, processed, and roasted on our boutique farm, our coffees are harvested and processed with great care.
These coffees are a celebration of the many skilled and dedicated workers it takes to produce award-winning coffee.
There are limited numbers of these coffees available, so if you are lucky enough to get your hands on one, we hope you enjoy a truly unique and memorable coffee experience.
The Majestic Pacamara
A Unique Experience for the Specialty Coffee Industry
Monarch Estate Pacamara.
Whether you are a coffee roaster looking to diversify your offering, a barista trying to elevate the coffee experience, or a coffee lover seeking to explore unique flavors, Pacamara promises an exciting adventure. The Pacamara coffee offers a wide range of complex and intriguing flavors that are both nuanced and bold.
“Growing Gesha and Pacamara coffee in Hawaii represents our journey of innovation, perseverance, and dedication to the art and science of coffee. The complex flavors and unique attributes of the Gesha and Pacamara coffees make them a star in the specialty coffee world and on our Estate Coffee Farm.”
— Monarch Coffee Farm